

  • A-level Maths students Grade U to C, Grade U to C and Grade D to B.

  • GCSE Higher Combined Science students Grade 3:2 to 6:6, Grade 4:4 to 6:6, Grade 4:4 to 7:6, Grade 5:5 to 8:7 and 6:6 to 8:8. Foundation Combined Science student Grade 2:2 to 4:4. Higher Biology students Grade 6 to 7 and Grade 8 to 9. Higher Chemistry students Grade 7 to 8 and Grade 8 to 9. Higher Physics students Grade 7 to 8 and Grade 8 to 9. Foundation Maths students from Grade 2 to 4 and Grade 4 to 5. Higher Maths students Grade 4 to 5, Grade 5 to 6, Grade 5 to 7, Grade 6 to 8, Grade 7 to 8 and Grade 8 to 9. Physical Education Grade 7 to 8 and Grade 8 to 9.

  • Entrance exam Year 8 student accepted to St Edward’s (tutored for maths).


  • A-level Chemistry student Grade D to B. Maths students Grade B to A, Grade C to B and Grade D to C. Physics student Grade B to A.

  • GCSE Foundation Combined Science student Grade 2:2 to 4:4. Higher Biology students Grade 4 to 6, Grade 5 to 6, Grade 6 to 7, Grade 6 to 8 and Grade 7 to 8. Higher Chemistry students Grade 5 to 7, Grade 6 to 8, Grade 6 to 8 and Grade 6 to 9. Higher Physics students Grade 4 to 6, Grade 5 to 7, Grade 6 to 7, Grade 6 to 8 and Grade 6 to 8. Higher Maths students Grade 5 to 7, Grade 6 to 7 and Grade 7 to 8.

  • Entrance exam Year 8 student accepted to Radley College (tutored for maths).


  • Medicine Degree Student passed 2 Chemistry units (spectroscopy and analysis, molecular chemistry and reactions).

  • A-level Biology student Grade E to C and Grade C to A*. Chemistry students Grade E to B and Grade C to A. Maths students Grade E to B and Grade C to A. Physics student Grade E to B.

  • GCSE Higher Combined Science student Grade 7:7 to 9:9. Foundation Combined Science student Grade 2:2 to 5:5. Higher Biology student Grade 4 to 5. Higher Chemistry student Grade 4 to 5. Higher Physics student Grade 4 to 6. Foundation Maths students from Grade 2 to 4 and Grade 4 to 5. Higher Maths student Grade 6 to 7.

  • Year 9 EOY exams Student achieved Biology 83%, Chemistry 86%, Physics 83% and Maths 93%. (Class average circa 70%). Another student Biology 80%, Chemistry 90%, Physics 86% (top of class).


  • Degree Chemistry Foundation year student resits, passes chemistry module.

  • A-level Exams cancelled.

  • GCSE Exams cancelled.

  • Year 8 EOY exams Student improving from previous year 53% average to a 79% average in Maths (class average 67%). Also, Biology 92%, Physics 85% and Chemistry 75%. Another student achieved Maths 84%, Physics 72%, Biology 83% and Chemistry 64%.

  • Year 6 SATS Bottom set student beat the average for all maths and science exams (his score 66%, 80%, 28% and 86%, average for class 58%, 68%, 22% and 81%). Another student with slow processing achieving 85% and 60%.


  • All exams cancelled

  • Entrance exams Student accepted to Reading Boys School (tutored for maths).


  • M.A. Finance Student tutored for maths module, final score 71% (class average 64%).

  • Degree Maths Student failed second year, passed all five resits (algebra, differential equations, linear models, real analysis and mathematical physics).

  • A-level Maths Mock exam grade D student to grade A. Autistic student from Ungraded mock to grade C.

  • GCSE Grade 7 student for maths and science improved to 9 in physics and 8 in maths and chemistry and biology. Grade 6 student for maths and science improved to 7 in bio and physics and 8 in maths and chemistry. Grade 4 student improved to Grade 6 for all maths and science. Grade 3 chemistry improved to grade 6 in chemistry. Grade 4 student improved to Grade 5 for physics and biology. Grade 5 improved to grade 7 maths. Grade 3 student improved to grade 6 in chemistry. Foundation student achieved grade 5 in all maths and science.

  • Year 6 SATS Student with working memory learning disability achieved a scaled score of 101 in maths , 98 in reading and 95 in grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and spelling.

  • Entrance exams 13+ student accepted to Abingdon (tutored for science and maths).


  • A-level Almost all of my students got their first choice of university, and all improved by between 1-3 grades. Maths student grade E to C. Chemistry students: grade D to C. grade D to B, 2 x grade C to B.

  • GCSE Maths Foundation resits: 3 students from fail to C grades. Foundation combined science students: Grade 1 to 5, grade 3 to 4 and grade 3 to 5.

  • Entrance exams Year 8 student accepted into Shiplake College (tutored for maths). 13+ student accepted to Eton (tutored for maths). 13+ student accepted to Bryanston (tutored for maths and science)


  • Degree Chemistry First year student resits in organic chemistry, from fail to first class.

  • A-level Maths Almost all of my students got into their first choice university, and most improved by 2 grades. Maths student grade D to C, another student grade C to A. Chemistry students: grade E to C, grade D to C, 2 x students grade C to B.

  • GCSE Foundation maths student from fail to grade 5.

  • Year 6 SATS Student

  • Entrance exams Year 7 student accepted into Leighton Park School (tutored for maths). 13+ student accepted into Harrow (tutored maths and science). 13+ Student accepted to Abingdon (tutored for science). 13+ Student accepted for St Edwards (tutored for science and maths).